Every Child Deserves Touch of Care By Vick’s Story Telling

Vicks has been part of every family. We have actually grown up with Vicks item close by at the seasons of cold, flu .The story of however everybody desires comfort and barely of care and why everybody deserves to urge one .

Vicks aims to interrupt the taboo around skin diseases by narrating the story of Nisha, a young girl  with a rare genetic skin condition- Ichthyosis.

The second edition of the campaign titled #TouchOfCare, created by Publicis Singapore, features the protagonist Nisha taking about how her life was transformed when she was adopted by Aloma and David Lobo who, despite having children of their own, gave Nisha a family. Nisha more narrates her everyday struggle with those that assume that her unwellness is infectious and so are not friendly along with her.

“How each of us is capable of lending unconditional love and extending care to every child who needs it. The first edition of the Vicks #TouchOfCare campaign moved millions of people across the globe”

Many ads come and many ads go away and so also are true in the world of the campaign in India. But only few one gets stitched in our hearts.

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